Research Publications

Feed: A new pathway for the domestic and transboundary spread of viral pathogens of veterinary significance

Protecting, improving and monitoring the health of herds and flocks is the goal of the veterinary profession. Over time, veterinary science has identified multiple routes of pathogen entry into animal populations, including infected breeding stock and semen, contaminated transport, fomites and aerosols. In response, science-based biosecurity protocols have been designed to reduce or eliminate these risks. In contrast, the ability of feed and feed ingredients to serve as vehicles for the transport and transmission of viral pathogens is a new discovery, previously thought not to occur, and therefore ignored at the level of the classroom, the farm, government administration, global animal health organizations and elected officials.

Evidence of viral survival in representative volumes of feed and feed ingredients during long-distance commercial transport across the continental United States

The hypothesis that feed ingredients could serve as vehicles for the transport and transmission of viral pathogens was first validated under laboratory conditions.

Risks to animal health associated with imported feed ingredients

The possibility that contaminated feed may be a source of infection across all animal industries is important and calls for the development of control and monitoring protocols based on available scientific data for pathogens of interest. Such scrutiny is critical to the preservation of our livestock, companion animals, and client well-being.

An evaluation of additives for mitigating the risk of virus contaminated feed using an ice-block challenge model

The role of animal feed as a vehicle for the transport and transmission of viral disease has been well established. This study looks at the possibility of additives mitigating viral viability in contaminated feed.

Inactivation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in contaminated swine feed by inclusion of dry lactic acid-based product

Survivability and infectivity of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus within complete feed was tested. The variable being was the presence or absence of a dry lactic acid-based feed acidifier.

An evaluation of contaminated complete feed as a vehicle for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infection

Contaminated feed has been proposed as a risk factor for PEDV. We provide proof of concept through an in vivo experiment to prove its infectivity.

Survival of viral pathogens in animal feed ingredients under transboundary shipping models

This study evaluates the survival of select viral pathogens in contaminated feed ingredients using models designed to simulate transportation conditions across different regions of the world.