Cleaning and disinfecting transport trailers, farrowing stalls, and pens in nursery and wean-to-finish barns has been proven critical to keeping animals healthy and preventing the spread of viruses. A new product is showing promise, while also proving safer for the people, pigs, and environment.
Ag Forte Pro is a unique product that is a combination of plant based surfactants and quaternary ammonium chloride that is 100% biodegradable and safe.
The Pipestone team conducted testing to see how the Ag Forte Pro product would work in existing protocols for cleaning transport trailers and individual maternity pens in sow barns. Dr. Scott Dee led the testing program for trailers and Dr. Emily McDowell, a veterinarian at Pipestone Veterinary Services, led the testing in sow barns.
Transport Trailer Testing
“When we conduct this type of research, we are looking to measure how quickly the product can kill virus and how much it reduces the total quantity of the virus,” said Dr. Dee. “We’ve developed a good protocol that allows us to test various products, protocols against specific viruses.”
Pipestone worked with South Dakota State University to build a model of a livestock transport trailer. For each test, a mixture of fecal matter and shavings that contain viruses is placed inside the trailer to stimulate real-world conditions. The sample trailers are cleaned according to protocol. After, they sample the interior to measure the quantity and viability of any remaining viruses.
They evaluated how the Ag Forte Pro product worked on three common swine viruses — PRRS, PEDv and Seneca Virus A — compared to the current gold standard product, Synergize.
“Even though it’s not labeled for, we found that Ag Forte Pro was efficacious against all three viruses and performed very similarly to Synergize,” stated Dr. Dee. “In the 14 years we’ve been working with Synergize, this is the first time that we’ve seen a product that has come close to the same performance level.”
Sow Barn Research
Dr. McDowell was interested in the Ag Forte Pro product for use in sow barns because of its neutral pH profile safety attributes for the pigs and people that handle it.
Pipestone conducted a trial at a 5,400 head sow barn. They tested by alternating each room with the current cleaning protocol and a new protocol using Ag Forte Pro.
They compared the rooms for pre-wean mortality, wean weight and occurrence of scours, and found no difference between rooms that were cleaned with the two products. After the first research study, they expanded Ag Forte use to two more sow barns and have experienced the same results.
“It seems to do a better job of taking away the grime and biofilm, and doesn’t leave behind a sticky residue,” she said. “The product has allowed us to simplify protocols by using one product in both the soap and disinfectant stage.”
Dr. McDowell said Pipestone is currently in the process of switching to Ag Forte Pro in the sow barns with which she works..
“It performs just as well as other options and is a better product for our people to work with and less harmful to the animals, so we are encouraged,” she said, noting that Ag Forte Pro product does not have an odor and minimal fumes to trigger the irritation of eyes, nose or skin that other products can cause when used in confined spaces.
Please contact your veterinarian or our swine specialist team with questions about when and where to use Ag Forte Pro. Our swine specialist team can be reached at 507-562-PIGS (7447).
Available for Purchase
AG Forte Pro Cleaner Degreaser
- Revolutionary Breakt
hrough Formula
- 100% safe formulation
- Does not mask odors
- Deconstructs H2S and NH3 and many other malodors
- CAFO, food & industrial plant cleaning
- Eliminates the use of harsh chemistry and multiple chemicals
- Effectively breaks down fats, proteins, and blood as well as heavy organic and non-organic soiling
- Non-corrosive