Hannah Walkes
Hannah Walkes hails from a traditional crop and livestock farm near Lakefield, MN. She began her career with PIPESTONE in 2007 after graduating from South Dakota State University with degrees in Microbiology and Chemistry. Today, Hannah serves as President of Pipestone Services. With a focus on business operations, veterinary service oversight, science and need-based innovation, she enjoys interacting with farming operations around the world. Hannah and her husband, Dominic, reside in Brandon, SD and spend any free time between gymnasiums, ball fields and football fields just trying to keep up with their three kids.

Sean Simpson
Sean obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Iowa and his Juris Doctor degree (Magna Cum Laude) from Hamline University School of Law. He brought his expertise to PIPESTONE in 2013 as General Counsel. Today he serves as President of Pipestone Partnerships.
 Outside of his roles at PIPETONE, Sean keeps busy with his wife and 3 sons.

Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich is a well-recognized global futurist, speaker, and the author of thirteen books, including a number of award-winning best sellers. He is a frequent speaker on technology, change management and leadership and has addressed hundreds of corporations, associations and not-for-profit organizations on five continents. He regularly makes television appearances on PBS’s Frontline, the Science Channel, and the Discovery Channel, and is a frequent guest on major media outlets, including CNN, CNBC, Fox and National Public Radio. Jack is also an ongoing contributor on emerging technologies and future trends for a number of publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Wired Magazine and Inc. Jack is a former naval intelligence officer and Defense Department official. He served as the director of the Minnesota Office of Strategic and Long-Range Planning under Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. His most recent book from October 2020 is Business as Unusual: A Futurist’s Unorthodox, Unconventional, and Uncomfortable Guide to Doing Business and his forthcoming book in early 2022 is The Rise of Generation RE.

Chris Ford
Chris Ford works with swine operations across the Farm Credit Services of America, Frontier Farm Credit, and Ag Country Associations’ state territory and throughout the Midwest ranging in a variety of sizes serving as Vice President of Corporate Swine Lending. Chris is a part of the specialized Swine Team which has lending relationships with 28 of the 40 largest swine producers in the nation. Prior to becoming a Vice President of Corporate Swine Lending, Chris was a Credit Underwriter that specialized in swine operations.
Chris has served as a Teammates Mentor, Church Elder, local school board member, and is a past participant in the Nebraska Pork Producers Leadership Program.
Chris, his wife Christan, and their 5 boys live in Elkhorn, Nebraska. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in 2002, received his Master’s degree in Business Administration from Bellevue University in 2005, and has been with the Association for 16 years.